This is the new and hopefully improved version of my website under construction. Please sign up for the mailing list to announce new books. See
Pen Names help separate the part of me that needs the day job and a paycheck from the naughty fun of writing fiction. Writing has
The first of the Psionicist Guild Books, a history text book from the future including a glossary and end of chapter quiz questions. The answer

This book is for a Mature Audience or New Adult, parental advisory! Is the old cover for those who already have it so you don’t
The fourth installment of the adventures of Gordon Rogers. Finally, going to meet the in-laws. Who would think the Empire hangs in the balance?
This is the 3rd episode in The Adventures of Gordon Rogers. What happens when a 21st-century retired teacher has to fight a future war. Will
Gordon Rogers. What happens when a search engine picks a hero from the past to save the future? The Wo are a formidable enemy of
Flash Gordon (1934) and Buck Rogers (1929) have been staples of science fiction adventures for a long time. A millennium from now the future Empire
This is a story that features PTSD and some other things, that was suggested by my wife. What if some of the demons in our
Eventually, I will have a page populated with the entire back story on how and why I wrote this. For right now, it is a