Cover of The Psionicist Guild 2: The Rules of Magic

This book is for a Mature Audience or New Adult, parental advisory!

Is the old cover for those who already have it so you don’t duplicate purchases.

If you ever fantasized about moving things with your mind or getting a glimpse of the future?

You are not alone. In this book, Lee is having a rough time, being fired right before Christmas, broke and desperate he tries his luck at the casino what he hopes is not a figment of his imagination of some new skills. Some might say he wanted to get paid & laid, and not necessarily in that order. His reward is getting a little money, and someone trying to kill him in a mugging attempt. Now that he is a target, what does he do? Read for yourself and ask yourself if you were in a similar position what would you do?

These are the leaked journals of Lee Günter O’Neil who discovers how to teach obtaining psychic abilities, during his efforts to deal with family rejection, a dead-end job, and the obesity accompanying depression. Read about his first year after he learns how to tap his potential as recorded in the files of Department 1793, as part of their training course. In these journals, you will also learn nothing comes without a price. Don’t forget to look for the complete collection of all 73 though the number is odd for the purloined journals, and a complete collection volume is also available. A friend of mine describes it as a 21st-century Jedi type (no connections to the Star Wars universe) who wants to get paid and laid. I did say this was not a children’s story. The new retitling is because Amazon says that it is confusing for customers; and even though I was out 5 years earlier than the new book which looks like it will have a cool mini-series, I am out of luck. It was always part of the Department 1793 universe, but I guess it is not allowed to be a stand alone book but must be part of the crowd. By the way, I have no reason to believe the author of the other book had anything to do with Amazon, being the way they are from time to time. I also cannot say they are being evil, as it is all about the money and they are affordable for me to publish with.

For those who want a bit of a back story on this, some of the locations are places I lived in the Omaha area, as I was in Nebraska for a lot of years before teaching overseas for ten years, including China. In the book, there are many locations used, all of which I have walked on.  I find using locations that I have walked makes them more realistic, then this “fantasy” has a basis in someone’s reality. 

Prices are in flux, so your mileage may vary as I am trying to keep it out there as affordably as I can. As always the eBooks are about the same or less than a BIG designer coffee with all the whipped cream and calories that my waistline doesn’t need. The printed copies are as reasonable as the production allows. I have given up on the fantasy of becoming rich from this, but contributions to breaking even are always appreciated.

Tell your friends that the author loves feedback and good questions.


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My eBooks works are also published through Smashwords which is transitioning to Draft2Digital, but I think the reader access and purchasing, even if I am giving coupons out half the time, will still be with BTW they are very nice people who are very tolerant of my typos and politely telling me what I need to fix so it will publish correctly.

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